
Samsø on vacation

Samsø er en af de større småøer i Danmark. Her bor ca. 3700 fastboende. Øen er 28 km lang og 7 km bred. Det smalleste sted er øen bare 500m bred. Her kan du stadig tydeligt se rester af vikingernes store Kalhavekanal. Samsø har 100 km kyst, og der kan opleves alt fra lækre sandstrande, stenede strande, bakker og skrænter. På Nordøen rager Ballebjerg hele 64 meter over havet, som Samsøs højeste punkt. Samsø har en virkelig smuk og varieret natur, fra Sydøens store løvskove over Midt-øens hede områder til Nordøens bakkede efterladenskaber fra Istiden. Alt sammen inden for behagelig køreafstand.

På Samsø har vi lidt bedre klima end i resten af Danmark. Det betyder mere sol, flere varmegrader og mindre regn.

Sommerferie på Samsø er noget man skal glæde sig til. Det er en særlig oplevelse at holde ø-ferie. Rejsen i sig selv, med færgen fra Sjælland eller fra Jylland. I 2021 endda med mulighed for direkte færgeforbindelse fra Aarhus med den nye hurtigfærge Lilleøre. Turen over vandet skaber fornemmelsen af at bevæge sig i det rolige tempo, som lægger grunden for en dejlig feriestemning.

Samsø er kendt af mange, og mange kender øen midt i Danmark for sine nye kartofler, asparges og jordbær. I det hele taget er Samsø et madparadis, med mange gode restauranter og råvarer i verdensklasse, solgt fra små boder langs med vejen.

Tag ture rundt på øen og oplev de små landsbyer som er livskraftige samfund på Øen. Oplev en overflod af små og større loppemarkeder, og oplev Samsøs udbud af gode kvalitetsoplevelser for enhver smag.

Der er masser af attraktioner for alle andre på hele øen, som mest af alt er kendt som det perfekte sted for en dejlig ferie for hele familien

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Se Arrangementer på samsø og forbered dig på en fantastisk sommerferie på Samsø

Samsø by bike

Biking holiday on Samsø
The nature on Samsø is both scenic, varied and exciting. Experience the island by bike in your own time and tempo. The next little village is never far away. Whether you are travelling as a family with children or as a serious biker, Samsø is the perfect choice for your trip with its small roads, great bike paths and slow traffic.

Experiencing Samsø by bike is the perfect option for a lot of our guest. Many that have fond childhood memories of exploring the idyllic island by the view of their bike. These memories can easily be (re)created, as it is easy to plan both a long or short biking trip on either flat or hilly terrain. 
There are many places to stop by and enjoy the amazing view or the village communities. Samsø has something for everyone and it is lovely to experience from the comfort of your bike saddle.  
You can explore the entire island as there a very few places that are inaccessible by bike. Those few places are perfect to enjoy by foot instead.  

If you arrive on Samsø by bike and wish to travel light, you can rent a cheap folding tent from us. You will have to fold and unfold it yourself, but you won’t have to bring it back and forth and the ferry. The tents are the regular ones you will have seen at festivals and camping grounds. 

Samsø all year round

Samsø is a well-functioning communitwhich is worth a visit all year round. 

Many people know Samsø as a great place for holidaying in the summer when the amazing hospitability of the island really unfolds. It offers an array of restaurants, shops, garage sales and road stalls, packed to the brim with the berries, fruits and vegetables of the season. All summer long, the island has all the attractions any visitor needs to have a great time. 

In the autumn, the island quiets down, and life becomes more serene and peaceful. It is still absolutely worth a visit, and even though Ballen Strandcamping closes in October, there are still lots of other great places to stay. Visit one of the island’s many bed and breakfasts or rent a holiday home. It is a great season to experience the calm and lovely life on the island. 

Winter is usually milder on Samsø than it is on mainland. Winter is also the season where Ballen Beachcamping is closed so we can spend some time developing new and exciting ideas for the coming season. This season is also a lovely time to visit Samsø and experience the islander’s hospitability, amazing food and maybe stop by Brundby Rockhotel, that has events all year round.  

As spring approaches, the preparations for the coming season at Ballen Beachcamping begin. We are busy getting everything ready for our guests to arrive at the campsite. Many places around the island are busy getting ready for the new season too.  

It is always a good time to visit Samsø!
Follow the link for an inspirational guide to Samsø “outside” the season:

Samsø is for the whole family

Samsø is an island in the center of Denmark, a place where everyone goes to spend time together. The island has something for everyone. The Samsø Festival attracts a big crowd of partygoers, but there are lots of other exiting things to do for the whole family all season long. 

On the island of Samsø, you will find a lot of attractions, here are just some of them: 

  • The Samsø Labyrinth 
  • Samsø Falkcenter  
  • The taste of the Island (Smagen af Øen) 
  • The Nordby pond (Nordby Gadekær) 
  • Vegetable Safari i Nordby 
  • The hills of Issehoved and Nordby 
  • The Vesborg lighthouse  
  • Brattingsborg Castle and forest 
  • Brundby Rock Hotel and the pancakehouse 
  • Ms Tunø from Langør harbour  
  • Samsø skateramp in Tranbjerg 
  • Ballen harbourcrabfishing and natureschool 

And the list goes on. 

Most of our guests primarily spend their holiday by the beach, taking long walks and shopping fresh produce like strawberries, potatoes and peas by the many roadside stalls, and of course bargain hunting at one of the many private garagesales 

For guests visiting without small children the options are endless. There is an amazing array of museums, restaurants, food-events, arts and craft-shops and spectacular nature to be explored.  

All this in the safe space of a small and intimate island, rooted in the beautiful ocean of Denmark.  

Come visit Samsø 

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